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  • How I would make $10,000/m again (Starting from zero)

How I would make $10,000/m again (Starting from zero)

$10,000 has always been my dream number!

Trust me, it seemed unachievable to me as a beginner because of my middle class conditioning.

After consistently hitting atleast $10,000 months I have realized that it is just another number and as soon as you hit it you will set another north start number for yourself - Exactly like it should be.

So should you stop worrying about it?

Hell No!

Run for it as fast as you can because you want to fail fast, learn fast!

You will always run for the number but it is not the number that will get you there fast - It is the failures and learning along the way that will get you there fast!

  • So how do you fail fast?

  • How do you learn fast?

Let’s start by talking about how to approach making $10,000/m and at the end, I will tell you - How would I make $10,000/m again if I had to start from zero.


Let’s assume making $10k is a game and there are different levels to it.

What you need to do is break down this goal into smaller goals.

First $1000 - $2000 - $4000 - $8000 - $10000

You can’t go for $10,000 because you have not yet even made $1000 consistently.

Block all the noise and focus on the smaller goal first.

In your pursuit of a small goal - you will fail, you will learn things, and you will develop your character and mind.

It’s only after that you will be eligible and deserving to attempt the bigger goal.

An athlete doesn’t qualify directly for the Olympics - he/she has to win other smaller championships first!

Be true to who you are, and where you stand today, and set your own goals.

The goal you set for yourself should follow these 3 characteristics:

  1. It shouldn’t be too easy to bore you

  2. It shouldn’t be too hard to make you give up

  3. It should be hard enough to always push you to get better

Precise goal setting is how you develop yourself and get better.

The reason why you don’t make $10,000/month is because you don’t deserve it.

You need to learn how to build a team, how to set up systems, how to sell, how to bring results, how to market your business


You can’t learn all of it at once and that’s why you aim at smaller goals first!

Every small goal teaches you important skills and eventually, you have enough skills to make $10,000.

Big goals keep you inspired


Smaller goals make you eligible for big goals


  • People want to make money

  • People want to save time

  • People want status

  • People want better health

  • People want better relationships

What can you give them?

Value is not what is valuable in your mind, it is about what is valuable to the market

And I promise you - If you try to sell anything other than 5 things mentioned above you will never hit $10,000/m.

Start by answering the question - What do I have that can be packaged as a solution to these 5 problems?

  • If you don’t have the skills to solve anything - Learn the required skills

  • If you have the right skills - Package your skills

  • If you have the right package - Sell it

  • If you can’t sell it - Learn sales and marketing

  • If you have sold it - Learn fulfillment and logistics

  • If you have sold more than you can handle - Learn to hire

  • If you have hired a team - Learn delegation and leadership

You don’t want to watch courses on sales when you don’t have anything to sell - STOP wasting your precious time.

Half the game is focusing on the right things at the right time - Few get this!



Simple not easy!


Once you have something valuable that means you are ready to scale that value.

Find more customers and get them the promised results - that’s how you scale.

For you to go from 0 - $10k, you just need to focus on 3 main pillars

1. Offer

The packaging of your value has to be top notch, a good offer has 3 components:

  • Tangible result

  • Results bounded by time

  • Guarantee

Create a package that has these 3 and you will be ready to focus on the next pillar

2. Traffic

Once you have something valuable it is about getting more and more people to know about it - you need more people to pay attention!

How do you make more people aware of your offer?

  1. Organic content

  2. Cold outreach

  3. Paid ads

Pick cold outreach and slowly try to leverage all three sources of traffic.

Start with one social media platform to start things off before you tackle all of them

Make the right bets at the right time!

3. Sales

If you have a lot of traffic and still people are not buying that means you have a sales problem

  • Learn sales

  • Optimize your landing page

  • Write better emails

  • Keep it simple!

Focus on these 3 things as a service business owner when you are just starting.

  • You don’t need to learn automation

  • You don’t need to learn advertising

  • You don’t need to learn hiring



The market you chose to sell your value is way too important that you think

It doesn’t matter what you promise to a broke person - You can’t make money because he doesn’t have the money to pay you for your services.

You will always make more money by solving small problems for rich people than by solving the biggest problem for the poor.

Choose your market wisely especially when you have a service business.

Service businesses at scale save people’s time first before anything else and the poor don’t value their time hence they will never value your services.

Sell to people who value their own time - Sell to Rich!

Now that we have covered the fundamentals, let’s talk about how would I make $10,000/month if I had to start from zero

Right now the money is in content, specifically video content!

But the problem is that everyone is doing it and everyone wants to edit videos for creators, founders, and brands.

So first thing I will focus on is:

Who to sell?

I see 3-4 good opportunities in the market right now

  1. Helping big creators on Linkedin/Twitter to go big on YouTube and Instagram - Once they crack the code on text text-based platform they would want to show their personality and lifestyle on videos but they will look for someone who is expert with videos.

  2. Helping founders build a personal brand - Founders have money and they now realize the importance of a personal brand - Easy market but you need sheer professionalism and tangible results. Rich people are smarter and hence they understand ROI

  3. Helping creators scale - The third market is existing big creators on YouTube and Instagram who want to scale fast and increase volume while maintaining quality.

  4. AI videos - there are a lot of people who are big on Linkedin and want to grow on IG but they don’t want to show their face or record videos. This is a great market because I can create their AI avatar using HeyGen and grow their brand on Instagram without them lifting a finger - Not many people are doing it right now!

If I start from zero, I would pick one of these 3 markets and offer them video creation services

Pay attention!

I said video creation, not video editing!

You can’t make enough money by just video editing you need to do more.

Research - Ideation - scripting - editing - Much more valuable than just editing videos!

On top of that, I will:

Handle the backend

This is where the real money is made

I will set up backend marketing funnels, automation, and landing page copy - bring traffic from the videos I create and add my commission to overall sales.

This way I can work with just 5-10 quality clients and can make more and more money from them when they make more money.

skin in the game and no upper limit on how much I can make - SORTED!

This is how I would structure my:


First things first - I will not work with anyone who is not ready to commit for atleast 3 months.

That means a minimum 3 months contract

  • First month - Fixed price for initial setup

  • Second month - Base retainer price + 10-20% commission on sales

  • Third month - Base retainer price + 10-20% commission on sales

this will ensure retention in the company with a higher LTV(Lifetime value) which means I can spend more to acquire new clients and can hire better people to bring better results because of the predictable cash flow.

With all this, I would focus on:


I would position myself as an expert and will make sure everythign shouts quality starting from the company’s website to the service we deliver.

It is hard to price high without premium positioning!

the goal would be to only get high-quality clients who look at me as an expert not just another freelancer that they can treat as cheap labor!

I would focus on building long term partnerships rather than maximizing money at the start!

That’s all folks!

Get to work


When you are ready this is how I can help you:

  1. From Scratch - The course built to give you the utmost clarity and understanding about how to start building your career on the Internet

  2. PSB Portal - Notion template I use to manage and grow my content agency