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  • 3 pillars of a successful service business

3 pillars of a successful service business

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A service business is simple if you keep it simple!

You are unable to grow as a freelancer/agency owner because you watch YouTube videos of random agency owners and try to apply things that help them run a million-dollar agency when you only have 3 clients!

If you are working hard and are not getting results then you are working on the wrong things.

Working on fancy things like automation, and using fancy tools is often procrastination in disguise!

You often try to solve problems that don't exist yet!

I see beginner agency owners creating hiring docs and flowcharts when they have just 1 client. They can’t afford to hire and they don’t need to hire yet they waste time on things that don’t matter

Your success as a business owner depends on clearly focusing on things that bring cash into your business.

If you don’t have enough cash flowing in the business and you are working on 10 different fancy things then you are lost and must realign in your mind.

After building service businesses and making all the mistakes for the last 2-3 years. I have realized that 80% of things don’t matter!

There are only 3 main pillars that you should focus on at least when you are starting and you are trying to go from 0 - $10k

  1. Offer

  2. Traffic

  3. Sales

I will dive deep into each one but before we do that!

A quick shoutout to today’s sponsors!

The Rundown is the world’s fastest-growing AI newsletter, with over 500,000+ readers staying up-to-date with the latest AI news and learning how to apply it.

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You must have a solid offer that solves problems for real people in the real world!

Stop being delusional and look at what you are trying to sell from a consumer point of view!

Do you think it is valuable?

80% of the offers and services I see are not valuable!

They are trying to sell something that has no real value.

  • Bad video editing portfolios

  • Bad looking websites

  • Poor designs

I get bad portfolios in my mail every day, and I passively ignore and archive those emails!

In the world of fluff and selfish business owners, you need to be selfless and have an offer/value proposition that alleviates the pain of a set of audiences.

If you can sell your offer to 3 people that means your offer problem is solved and now it is time to focus on the second important pillar i,e Traffic!


Once you have something of value that the world can benefit from, you have to forget about everything and try to get more and more people to know about your offer.

A good offer is like a beautifully designed store in your city!


If people don’t know about the address of the store, they can’t visit it and if they can’t visit the store they can’t buy!

If they don’t buy the store owner will stay broke!

That is why Traffic is so important!

Do everything you can to get more people to know about your business and offer.

Start with cold emails and DMs when you are starting out

Always remember - Your job as an agency owner is to enable multiple consistent traffic sources for your business.

Traffic must never stop. If the traffic stops then it doesn’t matter how good your offer is and how great your results are - People won’t know about you and you won’t be able to make money!

If you are reading this and are not getting clients chances are you don’t have enough traffic!

So leave every other Bullshit you are doing and work on promoting your business so you get more leads flowing in!


No one can sell your service better than you!

Focus on mastering sales and converting people who get to know about your service.

The easiest way I do it is by tracking the metric of calls booked.

I try to get my traffic to book calls with me!

The more calls I book - the more money I will eventually make - Simple!!

Get more traffic - Get them on the call - Apply your sales skills - Make $$$

A good offer that gets more traffic than you can handle with great sales skills will make you more money than you can ever imagine!

If you can just do these 3 things you can easily go from 0 - $10k/month but 80% never get there because only 20% focus on necessary things!

Don’t fall for fancy things and focus on things that help you grow.

Once you have money flowing in you can take care of fancy things.

And remember!

What get you from 0-$10k won’t get you from $10k - $50k

Every phase has certain things that you need to focus on to go past it!


Here is how I can help:

  1. PSB Portal - A notion template that I used to scale my agency from 0 - $25k MRR. I still use it every day.

  2. From Scratch - A comprehensive course to help you start your career on the internet.