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Be Antifragile (Answer to all your problems)

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God didn’t make you to be fragile!

God made you to look at your problems in the face and go after them with everything you have.

Maturity is understanding that - problems are the hardest but the most viable solution to achieve your better self.

The last 6 months of my life have been hard - I have perceived every problem as harmful and it messed up with my mental health.

I was looking at every problem as an attack and feeling bad about myself - ‘Why does this happen to me every time’

I had created a very negative point of view towards every problem in my life even if it is the smallest of the problems.

I was living in ignorance and avoidance - I was telling myself a story that if I Ignore my problems they will fade away!

Turns out…

Ignorance is bliss only until the thing you are ignoring takes a bigger shape than your ignorance tolerance limit!

And when that happens, everything breaks down in pieces.

  • My relationships suffered

  • My work suffered

  • My mental health suffered

One day I opened my eyes as my alarm went off and I felt like not waking up - like there was no meaning in life and that was my real wake-up call.

I told myself - I need to get my shit together

I don’t want to feel miserable and I don’t want to ever feel the way I felt in my bed that morning.

I want to go after my problems and take control.

It’s been a month after that incident and I did everything I had to do and I am feeling like I am reborn.

You might be going through pain and suffering, and your problems might be sucking the living soul out of you.

It’s time that you change the story you are telling yourself about your problems.

A quick shoutout to today’s sponsor - Hubspot!

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The world tests you with problems!

It tests your character and mindest and if you break down every time you face a problem - You don’t deserve the rewards the world has to offer.

You don’t deserve victory!

You can’t grow muscles without pain and you can’t grow in life without pain and suffering.

You can feel bad about your existence every time a problem arrives in your life or you can smile and change the way you look at the problems.

Facing problems makes you a better person!

A warrior is defined by his scars, not his medals.

You can’t win the war without scars!

If you are always focusing on avoiding the scars, and you act fragile - The world notices it and you get hit in the face.

what you need to focus on is the enemy, the problem, the suffering, the pain, and go at it with everything you have.

The idea is to not suffer in disdain but suffer knowing that you will only get better as a result and face suffering with your mind, body, and soul.

The more you avoid suffering, the more you suffer as a result of it.

Even if the problems pass by as you ignore them - In your heart, you will always know you are a coward and that’s dangerous.

You can’t tell yourself the story of cowardice!

You want to tell yourself the story of how you stood tall when the times were hard.

That’s the self-image you want to create, that’s the story you wanna tell yourself!


When you don’t take a problem as a problem, you can’t prepare to solve the problem.

You will either have a problem that you can solve or a problem that you can’t solve with your efforts but you can solve it with a positive dialogue in your mind.

Whatever it is write it down - Point out the problems.

If you don’t know what’s the fault - You can’t fix the fault

I don’t have a step-by-step solution but the framework is

  1. Point out the problem

  2. Write it down

  3. Write down everything you can do to solve the problem

  4. Work on the first thing you can do to solve the problem

  5. Actively live through it


If you are an Entrepreneur and you want to stay an Entrepreneur for the next 10 years while maintaining your sanity then you need to get comfortable with problems.

Entrepreneurship means solving problems for a living.

If you feel gutted and anxious for every small problem - you won’t be able to grow as an Entrepreneur.

Your brain should fire up every time you see a problem.

You should be calm and composed no matter how big of a problem you face so you can make good decisions.

One bad decision can completely ruin years of your hard work!

And by no means I am saying this is easy.

For the longest time, I used to get anxious when a client would text me negatively - I used to feel nervous and it would ruin my entire day

As I faced countless problems along my journey, now I have outgrown a lot of them but new and bigger problems have arrived.

The problems that felt like a mountain don’t even get a strand of my brain anymore.

We Don’t Solve Our Problems, We Outgrow Them

Weekly updates:

  1. I am not inspired by what I am creating on YouTube and Instagram Now I will just document my journey and show you the behind-the-scenes of building businesses as an Entrepreneur.

  2. Aiming at $50k MRR with Contentfloww in the next 6 months

  3. Building backend for Thejounreyclub

  4. Working on an offline product business - More on this soon!

  5. Cold Models launch was a success, thanks to you!

Keep at it, folks!

Good days are coming

Talk soon


When you are ready this is how I can help you:

  1. Cold Models - This will help you get your first 3-5 high-paying clients in 90 days with cold outreach!

  2. From scratch - This will help you with clarity and understanding about how to start building your career on the Internet