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  • Chase Clarity (The only way to progress in life)

Chase Clarity (The only way to progress in life)

You don’t grow your business

You don’t make enough money

You procrastinate

You are lazy all the time

Because you are unclear!

Evaluate what you are doing, why you are doing it, and where acccomplishing it will take you. If you don’t have a good answer, then stop!


It doesn’t matter how hard you work, if you are not working with a clear head, you are destined to end in nowhere!

Imagine driving a car without your powered spectacles - It’s all blurry!

You are relying on your instincts, surroundings, colors, sound, and lights on the road.

You are driving very cautiously, and anxiously.

There is no confidence in your driving, and

People who sit with you don’t trust or support you.

Your posture, your actions, and the way you drive shouts unclarity and underconfidence.

There is a danger of accidents, hurting people on the road, breaking the signal - It’s all chaos.

It’s not pretty and you just hate it!

That’s exactly what happens when you wake up in the morning without clarity about -

What do you want to do?

Why do you want to do it?

How will you do it?

When you are unclear about your life - You suffer, your relationships suffer and days are not fun


You don’t sit down and answer hard questions.

You don’t seek clarity.

You keep yourself distracted until it gets too late.

Just imagine

How well do you drive with clarity of your destination?

  • You sit tall

  • Your postures display confidence

  • You know exactly where you are going!

  • You cherish the drive

Chase that clarity in your life.

So, How do you get clear?

You don’t get clarity by chance, you get it by constantly asking hard questions and answering them with grace.

Answer these questions:

Q.1 Are you satisfied with your life today?

Q.2 What kind of a life do you want to live 10 years from now?

Q.3 What kind of a person you want to become?

Q.4 What are your goals for the next 5 years?

Q.5 What are your goals for the next 1 month?

Q.6 What is your dream?

I can keep going with these questions but I think you are smart enough and you got the idea!

Remember, there is only so much you can do.

You can’t get clear by just answering some questions


You will definitely get clear by constantly answering hard questions.

Clarity is a constant pursuit!

It’s hard to get absolute clarity when you are young.

Your goals will change as you grow but you need some extent of clarity and order to be able to operate on a day-to-day basis.

Your brain needs a hint of meaning and a goal to function properly and get you out of your bed.

Jordan Peterson put it perfectly:

You need to put one foot on what you have understood and mastered and the other on what you are currently exploring and mastering.

Then you have positioned yourself where the terror of existence is under control and you are secure but where you are also alert and engaged.

That is where the meaning is to be found!

Growth is flirting with chaos with certainty of order

Once you get clear:

You become dangerous like a starving lion, who knows exactly which dear he wants to hunt.

He has locked the target. Now he can make a plan, he knows exactly how the dear looks, how big it is.

The lion does math in his mind and makes a plan of action, executes and hunts the dear.

Lion and his family have a feast and they sleep in peace.

Be like a lion who has a family to feed.

Get up and go for the hunt every day!

You put yourself in a much better position to succeed when you have clarity.

Don’t give up on clarity.

It will take time but it is worth chasing!


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