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- This is how I get clients at my 6 figure agency
This is how I get clients at my 6 figure agency
Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of your freelancing/service business. If you are unable to get clients as per your projections and you are always struggling to get clients your business will always suffer.
I read it somewhere that:
The most important rule of having a service business is that every client leaves eventually.
This hit me hard!
It doesn’t matter how good of a job you do - your clients will eventually leave.
This is how amateur service business owners behave:
Work hard to get clients
Get a client and get paid
Stop sales and marketing
Start spending their money
Lose all the clients
Start sales and marketing again
Stay anxious until they get a new client
Repeat the loop
If this sounds like you, you need to stop it today and change the way you run your business.
This was me for the longest time and this was a big mistake. If you are reading this, you don’t have to make the same mistake
You need to completely change your approach to build a service business that consistently makes you $20k - $50k/month
This is how PROs do it:
Work hard to get clients
Create systems for the sales process
Get a client and get paid
Reinvest their money in tools and team
Never stop sales and marketing
Build a queue of prospects
The most important question is - How do you get clients consistently?
But before we get into that, let’s quickly discuss a major problem
The problem with the majority of service business owners is that they have a two-step marketing funnel
Sends a DM/message → Push prospect to get on a call
If this is your marketing funnel you will never be able to get clients.
No one is going to buy from a random cold email from a stranger sitting in the other corner of the world.
This is not how sales is supposed to work.
Every business has a sales cycle!
If you are delivering a service that no one else is offering in the world and you have a golden opportunity - this 2-step approach can work
I am sure that’s not the case, so you need to be patient.
You need to understand a simple 4-step funnel
Discovery → Nurturing → Interest → Sale
If a prospect has a problem that they are actively looking to solve - they might convert into a customer directly after discovery but finding those prospects is hard in the first place - they are like 2% of your entire target market, maybe even lesser.
Everyone wants to target this 2% and in that process, they forget about the remaining 98% that can become their customers in the future.
Good sales is like sowing the seeds without any expectation of fruits but if you take care of the seeds you will eventually get fruits in the future!
Let’s talk about how I sow these seeds for my company!