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  • The Disaster of trying to do everything | Curate Focus

The Disaster of trying to do everything | Curate Focus

You cannot do anything because you want to do everything


  • 24 hours

  • 1440 minutes

  • 86400 seconds

This is all you get every day regardless of how poor, rich, lucky, miserable, sad, or happy you are!

We all have limited time, which means you cannot do everything.

The journey of doing everything at once only leads to nowhere!

The reason why you cannot do anything is because you want to do everything.

Your brain has limited bandwidth and if you stress it with more things than it can handle at any given moment, it will start to dysfunction.

You see someone growing on Instagram and you feel like creating reels.

On other days you see someone making a lot of money using Twitter, so you dream of growing a Twitter profile

AI, startup, web 3, crypto, freelancing, startup, Saas there is so much you can potentially do.

You can probably do all of it in this lifetime but not at once because that is not how we have evolved as a species.

The wars were not won in history by focusing on 5 enemies at a time, they were won with pure focus, and determination of winning over one enemy.

  • 1 war at a time

  • 1 victory at a time


Unconscious consumption is the new porn, you need to realize this because it separates the ones who imagine their potential and the ones who actually live it!

Social media inflates the perception of everything, it runs on the lifeblood of marketing and hence it makes you feel you are always missing out.



By focusing on hundred different things you will miss out on your life’s quest and what you could achieve when you put your focus, and energy into one project.

  • One project that makes you a better person

  • One project that improves your financial life

  • One project to build the leverage

One is the word!

For example, if your goal right now is to get more freelancing clients, just focus on that.

Prioritize → Pick one project → Go all in

  • 1 Day

  • 1 iteration

  • 1 focus

  • 1 quest

  • Multiple failures

That’s how you get to the top!

Always Remember:

Growth in the first project is the slowest. It compounds with every project because you compound your learnings and knowledge over time.


Start playing on your own timeline - It doesn’t matter what someone else is doing. The reality is no one knows what they are doing, everyone is figuring it out!

You need to play the game in your arena before you expand the arena.

Growth happens when you pick one project, break it down into tasks, sit down with a timer, and work on completing the tasks every day for years and years of concentrated smart work.

Once you start focusing on the project that matters:

  • You will be motivated

  • You won’t procrastinate

  • You will do everything to make it work, and

  • You can go into the deep discovery of finding the solutions to the problems you face in making that one project successful.

You will see progress like you never imagined, and your peers won’t believe it and will often tag your progress as a fluke - So you laugh and do it all over again.

One project at a time- Make it your philosophy, print it and put it on your wall, and make it your wallpaper. Don’t forget it because this is how you change your life for good!

Be in alignment with nature and you shall reap the rewards.

-Akshat Tongia

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