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  • This is why you procrastinate | Death of progress

This is why you procrastinate | Death of progress

Everything that you put after ‘when’ - It is you procrastinating on the very thing that you say you will be doing.

I will create content when I get good at recording videos

I will start a business when I have the best idea

I will do this when _______

Everything that you put after ‘when’ - It is you procrastinating on the very thing that you say you will be doing.

Human beings never feel ready, because to do something that one has never done before requires change, it requires uncomfortable encounters and the brain doesn’t like it. so, it creates resistance in every way possible.

Fear starts to surface when you think about doing something that will change your circumstances and your present existence.

  • What if I fail?

  • What if people judge me?

  • What if I am not good enough?

Yes, you are not good enough YET!

You are not supposed to be good enough when you have done nothing that’s the whole point.

If you wait to be ready for something, you will never be ready.

The process makes you into the person that you should be - To get to your end goal.

You might not feel it but you are ready today, right now as you read this!

Ideally, you will feel ready when you can predict everything that is going to happen in the future as a result of your efforts but that’s not possible.

  • That is why you need to believe in yourself

  • You need to put in the work regardless of how you feel, and

  • That’s why you need to get obsessed with what you do so you fool your evolutionary brain.

You can easily spot 2 kinds of people in this world

1. I am not ready kind

You will notice them go nowhere even if they work every day. You will notice that they are some of the most theoretically smart people you will meet but they never achieve anything. There is a reason why backbenchers from your school are killing it and the nerds are nerds.

They just feel good about themselves gathering the knowledge, they live in the illusion of a superiority complex. They laugh when someone talks about their dream in front of them when in reality all they do is lick books in their bedroom.

All they have is vanity knowledge!

They have no skin in the game - They live their life waiting for the right moment, which never arrives

They will give excuses like - Well I know exactly how to do it BUT I don’t do it because………

If you're not a formidable force, there's no morality in your self-control. If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue.

- Jordan Peterson

You don’t want to be one of these losers!

2. I am ready, bring it on kind

  • They are delusional

  • They are the ones who climb mountains

  • They are the ones who won wars in history

  • They are the ones who create value at scale

  • They are the ones who are obsessed

  • They are the ones who are not afraid

And the world rewards them for their bravery!

They never feel ready but they do things regardless because doing is more important for them than feeling ready for doing.

There are no ifs, or buts for this group

Aim to be one of them!

If you do things when you feel like doing them, the world will reward you when it feels like!

I will end this post with a question and answer (I read it on the internet)

Question - What is your life’s goal?

To this, someone answered

→ “There's a guy in my head, and all he wants to do is lay in bed all day long, smoke pot, and watch old movies and cartoons. My life is a series of stratagems, to avoid, and outwit that guy.”

You are ready!!!

-Akshat Tongia