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  • Few clients, more money (Work with elite class)

Few clients, more money (Work with elite class)

The reason why you struggle to make money and are always burnt out is because you are solving the wrong problem for the wrong market

Money is the result of value and value is subjective.

  • Value for the poor is money

  • Value for the lonely is conversations and

  • Value for the rich is status and signaling.

It is paramount to exchange the relevant value component in the relevant target market.

It gets harder and harder to make money in your business when you just focus on time and money. Humans want to feel and if your service or product is incapable of making them feel anything, your business has no worth whatsoever.

The reason why you struggle to make money and are always burnt out is because you are solving the wrong problem for the wrong market

You cannot sell status to the poor, you cannot sell time to the poor because all they care about is money.

Solving small problems for the rich will make you more money than solving the biggest problems for the poor

Imagine, you are making $50,000 every month, you are a solopreneur but you don’t have time to use that money and all you do is work for your clients!

If this is you - You are trapped in the matrix of your own choice!

Stop thinking from the lens of just money and time, add more layers to your value proposition.

At every given moment, right now as you read this, in this second - Money and time don’t matter. All that matter is what you are feeling and it is true for the people you are selling your services to as well.

Now the problem is poor are always anxious about money so you can only give them the ROI of their money by making them more money.

And that’s why you work with Rich, you position yourself for the elite class. You work with people who care about other things than just money.

You need to make a choice about how you want to make your first $100,000

  1. By working with 100 clients that pay you $1000 each OR

  2. By working with 20 clients that pay you $5000 each

My advice?

Choose the second option.

It is not as easy as you think it is to work with rich clients.

Here are 3 things you must understand if you want to work with the rich, work less, and instantaneously make more money:

1. Positioning

How you position your business is the number one factor in deciding if you will ever be able to work with the rich or not. Rich doesn’t like cheap, they don’t like a website that looks trash, and they don’t want to work with people who sell cheap.

They have money and they like to spend it because it makes them feel good.

It makes them feel superior!

You need to price high and position yourself in a way such that the rich notice you.

Rich don’t hang around in a local flea market, they are buying bags in Prada stores.

You have to get your positioning straight to attract the rich.

If they are just ignoring you in the first place, it’s impossible to sell anything to them.

In simple words - create an online experience that makes them feel good about themselves interacting with your assets.

If they don’t set foot in the store they can’t give you money.

You need to find the problems the rich face and solve them!

2. Qualify

Start qualifying your prospects!

Don’t interact with everyone who wants to get their problems solved, you decide your market.

You must have your own filtering process.

What should be the income range of a prospect to qualify to work with your company?

What should be their location?

What should be their goals?

Make a process to qualify and filter.

People respect you and want to work with you when you are not for everyone.

Especially the Rich, they crave exclusivity!

So have waitlists, and qualifying forms on your website.

To sum it up - You need to create scarcity

Basic economics apply here:

Less Supply, more demand, higher prices.

3. Deliver Experience

This is the last and most important piece of the puzzle!

Working with the rich might seem easy but it is not.

There is a lot that goes into it and you need to flip everything in your business if you have always only worked with poor clients!

Rich might not value money as much as the poor, but they value traits that made them rich in the first place:

  • World-class delivery

  • Experience at every touchpoint

  • Relations

  • Transparent communication

  • Exclusivity

  • Personalization

Being able to work with the elite class requires change and change begins within you.

You must get better at every aspect of your business if you want to work with a few clients and make more money.

It obviously doesn’t come easy

So go now

Pick your battle and win it!

-Akshat Tongia