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  • Find your edge to win fast

Find your edge to win fast

Have you ever seen someone’s content on the internet and thought - This person is so talented?

I feel this every day!

So I sat down with myself to answer the question - What is it about some people’s creation and work that stand out?

It took me a long time to find this answer but I eventually realized that all the people I admire on the Internet have found their edge over the years of exploration and hard work!

What they do is simple for them but to me - It feels extraordinary!

And that was not even the moment of epiphany.

I was in a village near Manali for the last 3 days on chapter 1 of thejourney.club for my new venture. I invited 10 followers on the trip along with my friend Saksham and after talking to everyone there - I realized People look at me like I look at people I admire.

The work I do is simple for me but it is complex, inspiring, and even hard for people who aspire to be like me.

And that is when it hit me!!

Recording videos is almost effortless for me, telling stories is effortless but it has not been like this when I started.

It is only after I recorded and posted 1000s of videos on the internet it feel easy to me. A lot of self-exploration, refinement, and consistent hard work to be able to do it effortlessly.

You can often hear people saying - Everyone is talented in their unique way!

I think they are right - everyone has a unique talent!


The reality proves all those people and me wrong!

If everyone has some unique talent - Why only 1% of the people can show it to the world and achieve success and the rest are left in the mediocre majority?

It is because 99% of the population never try to find their edge, they never go on exploration, they are not self-aware and they are always distracted - I talk about all these essential concepts that can help you grow your career online in ‘From Scratch’ - Do check it out!

Finding your edge is the only real purpose!

  • Your edge allows you to do things that are hard for others effortlessly

  • Your edge allows you to create art

  • Your edge allows you to break out of mediocrity

You see I have always been an expressive storyteller in my friend group in school and college and I was good at holding people’s attention - That is my edge (But I only know it now)

I never knew I would be able to translate that into videos and build my career with it unless I found the medium of content creation.

By now, you should ask me - Akshat how do I find my unique edge?


1. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is underrated!

Not many people know who they are and what they were like in their childhood!

  • Ask your parents about yourself

  • Look at videos and pictures from your childhood

  • Think about the incidents from your childhood that vividly stand out in your mind.

Your edge is inside you and in order for you to even guess what it could be you need to know yourself better.

  • What were your interests?

  • What are the things you were effortlessly good at?

  • What are the things you were bad at, doesn’t matter how much you tried?

2. Exploration

For me exploration arc was in th college days!

As a engineering student - I tried everything I could get my hands on

This helped me understand what are the things I absolutely hate doing, what are the things I am curious about, what are the things I want to get better at, what are the things I am good at.

You cannot find your edge until you explore the world, explore different subjects, learn different skills.

It is almost like a game - The more things you try, the more you will know about yourself and you will eventually know what your subject of interests are

For me it is - Marketing, psychology, sales, content, martial arts

For you it could be - Design, writing, dancing

But you will never know what it is until you explore!

Not all interests will be your edge

So which ones are your true edge?

3. Refinement

Your edge is like a diamond!

You can’t mine a diamond without refinement and energy.

“Diamonds are formed when carbon atoms are squeezed under intense heat and pressure, causing them to bond with other carbon atoms to form crystals.”

You are sitting on your couch looking for your edge as you scroll reels!

You need to go out there - put in the work, build, create, fail to get closer to your edge.

Seek inspiration, learn things and perform.

The world and your gut will tell you if you are doing it right or wrong

Talking about the world, the next thing is…

4. Finding a Medium

Use social media as a medium to put your learnings, interests, and skill into action.

Treat it as a playground.

Share your interest, skills, thoughts with th world via social media platform of your choice and wait for signals.

See how people are reacting to it and you will get a lot of answers

I was posting content on my Instagra page for years and I always used to get comments like

  • Bro you are underrated

  • Bro you should have at least 100k followers

And years later I sit around 200k+ overall followers

Social media as a medium helped me validate my skills and knowledge.

You could say

I don’t want to share it with the world!

Well in that case you might not be able to us your edge to make money!

Attention is on the internet and money flows where attention goes!

Looking back - I think this is the framework that I think worked for me.

I hope it works for you and you find your edge!


Here is how I can help:

  1. PSB Portal - A notion template that I used to scale my agency from 0 - $25k MRR. I still use it everyday.

  2. From Scratch - A comprehensive course to help you start your career on the internet.