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  • The Modern Freedom Framework (8 levels for a free life)

The Modern Freedom Framework (8 levels for a free life)

I found the light in the darkness because I believed light exists and I never gave up on finding it!

Freedom for me is

  • Doing what I want

  • From wherever I want

  • With the people I want.

2019 is when I realized there is something wrong with what society has been imposing on me all my life - It was like a bulb switched on in my head!

12th Boards → A good college → Corporate slave for 2 years → MBA for biodata enhancement → A Better quality corporate prison → Marriage → kids → Death

This scared my soul.

I couldn’t see the pattern until I was in my third year of college and when I saw it, breaking out of this pattern became my life’s goal.

I was ready to do everything required to break this trajectory!

This path was optimized for safety, stability, and mediocrity but I wanted to build my own way - I got almost stubborn about it.

When there was a clear path for all my college mates to walk on, I had to create my own. It is like standing on a road with winter fog.

I couldn’t even see 2 steps ahead of me - It was scary, uncertain, full of criticism, and pain but absolutely worth it. There is something about being able to walk slowly in the fog and carve your own path that I cannot put into words. You need to experience this on your own.

Eventually, I was able to carve this path for myself with the help of some of the greatest Entrepreneurs, philosophers, and marketers of our times.

I found the light in the darkness because I believed light exists and I never gave up on finding it!

Modern Freedom Framework is about finding your own light.

Feel free to change it the way you want.

Make it useful for yourself!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how I found my light:


Self-improvement is the hack you have been looking for all over the Internet.

You are hunting knowledge and information everywhere you can because it feels like that’s the missing piece of the puzzle but let me break this delusion of yours.

The problem is not the lack of knowledge, the problem is not being able to apply the knowledge you have, every day.

You crave information because it makes you feel like you are getting ahead in life.

But half of this information is Junk and the other half becomes junk because you never use it.

“Your biggest war is your internal war”

You probably already know what you need to do in order to get to your goals


  • You cannot sit down and work without distractions

  • You cannot stop scrolling reels

  • You cannot stop eating McDonald’s

Because you have surrendered to your impulses!

Your darker side has gotten the better of you

You need to win against yourself one step at a time every day. This is where the journey of Freedom begins!

Focus on becoming your 2.0 version and compare yourself with only your 1.0 - No one else!


Your life depends on how you perceive your future in your head today!

Unlearn things that society has imposed on you all your life:

  • You need to do a job for experience

  • You need to get a big degree

  • Making money is hard

  • Don’t invest money

The fun part is that the ones who are imposing things on you never question anything that others impose on them!

They just want to impose things on you because it got imposed on them.

You need to break out, you need to unlearn things and learn everything from new perspectives, and new worldviews.

You do it by reading the minds of the greats and breaking your mediocre circle.

You take advice from the people, who are already standing at where you want to go, not from the ones who never even tried to give their dreams a shot.

Unlearning will give you a clean state of mind to be able to decide your future with your own thoughts.


You are lazy because you are unclear.

You cannot get out of your bed without snoozing because you don’t know what you need to do after waking up.

You have not yet decided on your quest

Decide your quest!

  • Sit down and write everything you want and everything you don’t want

  • Write down what you are good at, what you are bad at

  • Write down your bad habits, and write down your good habits

  • Write down what your goals are for the next 6 months

This will give you clarity and will enable you to eliminate things that waste your time and energy.

Clarity gives you courage, confidence, determination, and discipline.

When you don’t know where you want to go, you go where people convince you to go.

This is exactly why you want to create YouTube videos one day, create reels another day, and start your agency on the third day!

Set a goal and navigate in alignment with that goal.

This is how you achieve Freedom fast!


Skills are how you navigate the game of life!

Skill is a currency you can print sitting at your home and then trade it for the currency the world operates on.

Every time you are learning a new skill, imagine you are printing your own money that you can trade in the future.

I divide skills into two parts:

  1. Your personal currency - Hard skills like design, editing, writing, etc

  2. Portal to trade your currency - Marketing and sales

Having your own currency is not enough, you need a portal you can use to trade this currency!

People who are great at their skills but never learned marketing and sales have to use corporate jobs as their portal to trade their personal currency (skills)

People who learn marketing and sales build their own portals to trade their currency, they don’t need public portals - They take control of their lives!

Without skills, you cannot win the game of life

So if you don’t know anything yet - get to work!

Learn how to get high-paying clients without a personal brand with clients on autopilot


  • Your knowledge

  • The goals you have set for yourself, and

  • The public announcements you have made

It’s all just momentary dopamine hits if you don’t sit down undistracted and work!

Implementation is how you make your dreams a reality

Once you have decided what you actually want, get out of your head - Stop overthinking and implement what you know relentlessly!

Now you need to fail, get new insights, learn new things, and implement again and you need to keep doing it until you reach your goal.

This is a lifelong process because your goal will keep changing and you need to keep implementing to reach your next goal that’s why you hear people say:

Do what you love!

You cannot keep doing it if you don’t enjoy the process!

This is an infinite process of learning, failing, implementing, and optimizing.

If you are not ready to go through this - Leave it and get a job

But that’s even worse!

So, pick your battle


“Money flows where attention goes”

Work on building leverage of attention.

You simply do it by sharing your journey, perspectives, and thoughts online in the form of text and videos.

Do cool shit in real life and share it online.

Build a community of people like yourself and help them with what you know.

Your community will give you a greater sense of why and will support you with your projects every time.

They will play an important role in your journey of Freedom as social media becomes more and more relevant in our world and the influence it has in our culture and business.

Learn how to do this fast with VisualFloww


Focus on iterations, don’t become a consistent zombie!

I like to go all in on what’s working but always experiment for new breakthroughs and new insights that can potentially take me to the next level!

Reflect on:

  • What you have achieved

  • What you can improve upon, and

  • What mistakes do you make

Always try to spot things you can iterate upon.

Don’t get comfortable, it will kill your growth (this happened to me multiple times)

The differentiator between success and failure is a sense of urgency

Nick Huber

What’s the one thing that you can optimize in your business today?

Ask this question every day and if you just think hard enough you will get answers and action points you can work on.

Iterations > > Consistency!

This is important because even if you fail, you will fail fast!

Worst case scenario?

You saved some time!


You only get 24 hours every day until you die!

Money is in abundance - It can come and go.

When you start making money, you need to use it to free up your time first and then for everything else.

If you use all your money to buy status in different forms, you don’t achieve Freedom!

You just put yourself from the prison of society to the prison of money.

And this is exactly what this post is not about!

Keep at it, my people!

Good days are coming.

Much Love

-Akshat Tongia