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  • How to get ahead of 99% people?

How to get ahead of 99% people?

Listen to the mainstream take on how to live your life — and do the opposite.

The simplest way to get ahead of 99% of people is by doing what 99% of the people don’t do and doing it consistently.

Listen to the mainstream take on how to live your life — and do the opposite.

This is harder than you would imagine. Some Beliefs and perceptions just sit in your unconscious mind from years of environmental conditioning and it is a hefty task to unlearn and disconnect.

Unlearn and build your own mental blocks.

This is essential because society is optimized for churning out humans equivalent to machines and slaves.

  • Do this in school

  • Do this to get a good college

  • Do this in college to get a job

  • Do this to climb the corporate ladder

and the list goes on!

It is effortless to follow the path laid out by the society but a fixed path leads to a fixed destination.

A destination that is not chosen by you.

This path is optimized for low risk, certainty, and comfort and that’s what the majority picks because it’s easy.

My problem is not with the path but with the rigidity of the destination, this path leads to.

Fixing the Internal Chaos

Inaction is comfortable but action is how you get ahead of 99% of people.

Chances are you already know what kind of a life you aspire to live, what you want to do, and who are the people you want to surround yourself with but you don’t act on it.

Aligning execution with conscious thought is the differentiator between mediocrity and top 1%

The irony is that getting ahead of 99% of the people is not about getting better than people around you but it is about fixing your internal chaos.

It starts within you.

It starts with becoming a better version of yourself every day. This is your best shot at it because your actions are all you can control and if you focus on getting better, becoming a better version of yourself, you get ahead of everyone around you by default.

Fix your surrounding

Your surroundings shape your reality!

Be very selective of the rooms you enter, People you call friends, Partners you do business with, and the content you consume.


Mediocrity is infectious!

Stay away from it at all cost

Your surrounding dictate your thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs in all areas of your life.

You need savages around you. People who remain unshaken, who refuse to settle for less.

Savages, who deny following a path against their will and their true thought.

Start by fixing your surroundings. That’s how you get better thoughts, ideas, and a positive perception of life around you.

Raise your consciousness

You need to start with a conscious thought about what sort of life you want to live.

A thought which is your own.

You need to make sure your thoughts are not influenced by the other 99% because it just makes you one of them.

You must surround yourself with people who at least attempt to get ahead of 99% of the people and are motivated enough to give it a shot.

Raising your consciousness is how you make your own perceptions, make your own thoughts and the only way to do it is to observe yourself:

  • Pay attention and observe yourself from a subjective point of view

  • What do you like, what do you dislike?

  • What do you agree with, what do you disagree with?

  • What do you absolutely hate, what do you love?

The answers might be conditioned by your upbringing. You might think money is bad because maybe that’s what everyone told you when you were growing up so it is stuck in your head.

And that’s why unlearning is important!

When you are open to unlearning, you are open to new perspectives, you expand your consciousness to better possibilities.

It is a lifelong process but when you are intentional about it every day you gradually raise your consciousness and eventually you get to a point where your thought process, your mental strength, your work ethic, and your worldviews are better than 99% of people around you.

and that’s when the game changes.

Align your actions

Misalignment of action with thought is why you are anxious and you feel like a failure. It has never been about the accolades but how you view yourself.

The majority of the people fail here because it requires hard work, grit, and consistency.

It is uncomfortable but you must do what is required.

Alignment of your actions with your thought is true happiness and that’s how you get ahead.

This is how you make your thoughts and dreams real.

Focused, undistracted work is probably the biggest piece of the puzzle.

If you can control your cravings and impulses in this distracted world, you get ahead fast.

Get comfortable with failure

The world around us does not praise failures!

They use your failure to boost their ego. You won’t find many people on your side when you fail.

When you fail cry for a day, be sad, don’t talk to anyone but eventually get comfortable with it and hold it as a badge of honor.

Know that it is the only way forward!

Get comfortable with failure.

Believe in yourself

You must believe that it is possible to get ahead and achieve greater things. If you don’t have belief in yourself nothing else matters you are already lost the game called life.

Believe in yourself when no one does and see how everyone eventually comes on your side.

Stand tall!

Work for your goals with discipline, self-belief, and grit.

You will notice the world slowly shaping the way you always imagined it.

“You get ahead of 99% of the people by beating the old 99 versions of yourself”

Keep crushing it my Gs

Wishing you the best week from Amsterdam

Play the long game!

Talk soon

-Akshat Tongia