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  • This can ruin your future (Your Internet consciousness)

This can ruin your future (Your Internet consciousness)

Algorithms don’t differentiate between what is good for your, they just serve you what your fingers interact with on a screen.

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Back to today’s Newsletter 👇️ 

Curating your internet consciousness is crucial because you are being tracked 24/7 and you are being served with what you interact with not exactly what is good for you.

This is an important matter and I want you to take it seriously my friend!

Algorithms don’t differentiate between what is good for your health/career/relationships. They just serve you what your fingers interact with on a screen.

If you interact with a half-naked woman on your Instagram on a Sunday afternoon, you will get more of it on Monday morning and if you keep interacting with it, the algorithms will keep recommending even better-looking women day after day that you will drool over without taking into consideration how bad it can be for your existing relationships

And soon…

You will find yourself in the corner of the internet where all you see is half-naked women and the same is true when you interact with memes, celebrity videos, travel videos, etc

There are 2 realities that could become your truth:

A lucky circumstance

If you are lucky you already have an interest in things that are productive for your future life.

In that scenario, you will interact with the content that makes you a better person and you will eventually end up in the right corners of the internet and you will build an internet consciousness that works toward your dream future.


But if you are miserable and you consume content that reduces your suffering and gives you pleasure, you will eventually become even more miserable.

You will be recommended content that gives you pleasure and soon you will end up in the dark/short-term pleasure/perversion side of the internet when what you actually needed was the corner where the conversations of growth happen, corners where people are talking about self-improvement, corners where people are talking about discipline.

The sharing of data between social media companies makes it even more difficult to create a pure consciousness on social media that will lead to a positive future!

What you interact with is then recommended on every social media platform, regardless of where you interact with it. Pay attention to this next time and you will see this happening in real time!

See there is nothing wrong with consuming memes on the Internet but if the majority of your online time is spent in memes it will get harder to get yourself out of it with every passing day.

Since you like it so much it will only become harder and harder to keep your phone away.

So what can you do?

1. Ask right questions

  • What sort of future do I want to live?

  • What are my genuine interests, not the impulses?

  • What is my not-to-consume content?

The right questions will help you build an internet consciousness that will help you in building the future you want.

When you are unclear and just floating through life you consume what makes you feel good, what makes you comfortable, what gives you pleasure

So keep asking the right questions.

2. Maneuver the algorithms

Social media platforms are getting more advanced day after day

They will recommend what you interact with


They will not recommend you what you say you are not interested in

You can send signals to the algorithms by saying you are not interested in a specific piece of content.

When you do this more often you will slowly start to shift to the bright corners of the internet, you will start discovering content that you actually need.


After you complete reading this newsletter - Go to your Instagram, click on the search icon, and see what is getting recommended to you and find the content that is not healthy for you, that you must not consume, that you must stay away from, open it, resist the urge of not consuming it, open the details of that post and click on ‘not interested’

Do it more often and over time you will build a pure internet consciousness and a personal online space where you can flourish.

3. Accept your current state

Stop being an asshole and accept where you are and accept that you consume shit if that’s the truth.

When I was an 18-year-old teenager my Instagram Explore used to look like Pornhub, I used to follow every hot model that Instagram recommended on my feed. I was lost, unclear, and distracted but then I did exactly what was needed.

I could have never gotten out of those corners if I had never accepted the reality of my miserable state.

If I had never accepted my wrongdoings I would have never found the ‘Money Twitter’.

When I accepted my state and meditated on the life I want to live I got introduced to internet communities that completely transformed my life.

When you become aware, accepting, and clear you find yourself in the right places almost effortlessly, like it was meant to be, like it was a destiny!

Always remember - “Not every misery is instant, sometimes it is in making”
