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You are getting robbed everyday, this is how...

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Conspicuous content consumption is the misery of the modern world!

It’s not hard to get lost in the dark hole of consuming content for the sake of consuming content.

Let me be very straightforward with you:

90% of the content you consume makes you feel good about yourself, you feel superior by talking about why Adani is a scam or how Bill Gates built his empire in your social circle!

You feel superior by knowing the information and being slightly more correct than your broke friend in a random discussion!

The reality is that you are broke!

And how Warren Buffet or Elon Musk built their empire isn’t going to help you get rich.

The only thing that can help you make money is knowing what you want to do and then doing it relentlessly for years!

Nothing is free in this world!

The free information you consume uses your attention, blurs your focus, and makes you feel emotions that mean nothing!

Social media algorithms are smarter than you think and if you are not mindful about what you click on or watch, you might get lost in interest webs and ideas that are not very productive for your life!

Imagine an 18-year-old college kid watching a reel of a hot model dancing - Instagram is watching that kid and will show him 10 more models and before he realizes it all he will do is watch models on Instagram for hours - That 18-year-old kid is me when I was in college!

Before we move on, a quick shoutout to today’s sponsors!

Level Up Your Social Media Strategy This April

Master the art of crafting a social strategy. This small group and conversational training from the American Marketing Association equips you with the knowledge to create highly effective content plans and audience engagement strategies. Define your purpose and measure your impact.

If you watch memes - you will see memes all day on social media

If you watch promiscuity - you will see it everywhere on social media

If your social media feeds are filled with negative content that doesn’t help you get better, you need to curate your internet consciousness!

  • Delete your existing pointless Instagram account,

  • Create a new one, and

  • Find people creating art, sharing their stories, teaching you fitness, and helping you become a better human being.

Get in the right corners of the internet - It is in your hands!

The last thing you want to do is get lost on the internet and get addicted to the content that you never intended to watch in the first place.

Social media can change your life only if you are mindful and use it to your advantage!

Make social media your bitch, not your master!


Enroll in From Scratch to start your journey of making your first $$ on the internet today - Click here