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  • 3 skills you must learn (Build your skill stack)

3 skills you must learn (Build your skill stack)

There are some skills that reign supreme over others that everyone should master in the modern world.

Skills are how you interact and add value to the world around you

In early childhood, you learn skills by asking questions and holding the finger of your parents.

As you grow up and go to school you learn skills with your classmates.

College years teach you soft skills as you naturally get more social and break out of your comfort circle.

The death of skill acquisition happens when you get a job, get responsibilities, and mold yourself in the comfort of your day-to-day life.

As soon as you stop learning, you gradually become obsolete and the value you could otherwise add to the world keeps declining before it dies.

Without value addition, the world doesn’t reward you and you are pushed to the fence.

The fence is where underconfidence, anxiety, and depression start because you spot the people, who decided to keep learning and you see them conquer. FOMO starts to hit in, you imagine yourself in the playground achieving heights but then reality pulls you back from your imagination and you are left miserable on the fence

  • You must not stay at the fence

  • You belong in the playground

  • You are meant to add to the world

Skill acquisition must not end with college

It should only soar after college

Acquiring skills and learning new things is like adding more weapons to your tool stack.

It allows you to win the hardest battles and you always walk with your chest out knowing you could handle any situation with your skills.

There are some skills that reign supreme over others that everyone should master in the modern world.

These skills have survived the test of time and are some of the most important skills you can learn that will pay you dividends throughout your life:

1. Conversational skills

There is a difference between having a conversation for its sake and being able to hold the conversation and take it in the direction you want.

You must learn when to stay silent and when to silence others with your words.

Human-to-human interaction is how this world operates and if you do not have the ability to talk to your own species with confidence you should leave everything else and ace this one skill.

Some of the greatest leaders of our times, some of the greatest marketers know how to talk precisely and put their point across.

Your words are your biggest weapon and you should be in control of how to use this weapon.

Not knowing how to conversate properly is like having a bazooka in your hands but know knowing how to fire it.

Get great at conversations!

2. Persuasion and sales

You mix conversation with psychology and it becomes persuasion.

Persuasion is like level 2 of conversation.

Get comfortable with a basic conversation to be able to apply persuasion.

Persuasion is understanding psychology and using it to your advantage through your words.

You can apply it in a conference, in your cold emails, in your YouTube videos, and in a thousand different places and situations.

Persuasion is how you master sales and if you don’t know how to sell your skills and your idea it is almost impossible to climb the dominance hierarchy, as Jordon Peterson would say.

  • Learn how the human brain works

  • Learn how humans function

3. Learn to court attention

The ones who know the art of courting attention have the ability to inspire, persuade, convince, and leverage the attention for the betterment of their life.

You cannot persuade or sell anything if you don’t have attention.

Although, a skill that has been applied and mastered by some of the greats of our times, the skill of courting attention has never been more important.

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Attention is the currency of social media!

Master how to court attention!

“Build distribution, then build whatever you want.”

- Jack Butcher