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  • Money flows where attention goes (Leverage it now)

Money flows where attention goes (Leverage it now)

The more attention you have online, the more opportunities you get!

Building leverage is how you climb up the social ladder, get opportunities, and go to places that a person without leverage can only appreciate.

Social media is free to leverage and there is no barrier to entry.

You can share your journey and thoughts, entertain, and educate online to earn social capital.

Pick a platform of your choice, the format of your comfort, and start today just by using your phone.

Posting content online has the ability to change your life but the catch is you need to do it in a unique way.

In a way, no one else is doing it.

If you do it just to reap the benefits, you won’t get any!

Attention is the currency of the internet

The more you have it, the more opportunities open up:

  • People suddenly want to meet you

  • They want to listen to you

  • They want your recommendations

  • They will invite you to movie screenings and conferences

  • They look at you with respect and awe.

Imagine 1000s of people excited to meet you on any given day.

Imagine 1000s of people buying something from the link you post on your Instagram story.

Imagine people showing love by messaging you and in real life just because you share what you learn.

It’s incomprehensible!

Social currency once sufficient can help you get into rooms you otherwise would never be able to get access to

You can gain information sooner than the masses.

It helps you build leverage irrespective of what your network is, and how much money you have.

It helps you start without anything and help you swiftly move toward other forms of leverage.

The greatest opportunity is in front of you!

Stop acting like a blind person

  • You might feel like you are not good enough

  • You might feel like you don’t have anything to share online

  • You might feel like you are not an expert at anything

  • You might feel like you don’t know how to write content

  • You might feel like you don’t know how to record videos

Well, you are feeling right because that’s where every winner starts.

But using your lack of knowledge as an excuse to never start is a loser mentality.

You already know who you are

Decide and dictate

Learn how to use short-form video content to build social currency, checkout VisualFloww 👇


How do you earn social currency?

How do you build leverage?

How do you start creating content from scratch?

WARNING - Only serious folks are allowed to read beyond this point. Reel scrollers, please leave!


  • You need to learn something.

  • You need to initiate the journey of self-betterment

  • You need to build something significant

  • You need to work on a project that gets you out of your bed every morning

Learning new things sparks curiosity, it sparks questions in your head.

It makes you seek answers, it broadens the horizon of your reality!

Learning reignites the fire within you!

You keep finding the answer to questions like a child who can’t stop asking question after question

Learning elevates your mental state and makes you eligible for implementation.


Imagine an athlete who just reads the theory of how a sport is played

An athlete who never steps on the field and never trains but just reads.

It doesn’t matter how prowess an athlete is in theory, he can never beat an athlete who trains every day with discipline and shows up every day.

Learning is not enough, you need to implement

Implementation lets you put your skin in the game.

You learn, you implement, you fail and that’s how you get better and solidify your learnings

That’s how you get good!

That’s how you become a master of your art!

The implementation makes you eligible for sharing.


The Act of implementation is enough to be able to share your thoughts online

You don’t have to wait to become an expert.

You can learn, implement and share your story

  • Share what you learn every day

  • Share what you think about what you learn

  • Share your unique perspective

  • Share your wins

  • Share your loses

  • Share your mistakes

  • Share your dream with people

  • Share your story

You don’t need 10 viral ideas to create content, you need to take control of your life!

The journey of self-betterment is your sea of ideas.

The reason why you are unable to create content is that - You do nothing and just fantasize about the outcomes of creating content.

You are thinking from the wrong lens!

You need to get your life in order and chase self-mastery in every aspect of your life to never run dry of content ideas.

These ideas will be unique to your story

These ideas can’t be found online

And these are the ideas people love

That’s how you build a community

That’s how you earn social capital!

I followed this and went from 0-60k followers in a matter of 4 months

If I can do it, you can too
