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  • This is why you are broke and unproductive!

This is why you are broke and unproductive!

For every system not created there is a distraction waiting that your brain can dance with like a clown.

Quick Update!

You can now get the PSB PORTAL (agency notion template) using UPI- Click here to learn more.

Back to today’s sauce now!

  • You are broke

  • You are unproductive

  • You see no progress

Because you run your life based on your emotions, blurred logic, and opinions of others.

You have no systems in your life - No set of personal rules and templates you can rely on!

Progress in any form requires discipline and for your lazy brain to be disciplined - you need to give it systems that it can blindly follow.

Let me give you a very simple example (Try this yourself)

If you know exactly what you need to do in the morning the night before - your brain will start working as soon as you sit in your office without resistance.

Now Imagine!!

You have no clarity about what you need to do when you wake up - You keep doing random shit:

  • Flexing in front of the mirror

  • Fantasizing about your life and feeling good about yourself

  • Scrolling your phone

Best case scenario - you will waste 30 minutes creating a to-do list

That is why people who get work done know the night before what’s the first thing they need to work on as soon as they wake up.

Now this simple thing of writing down what to do the next day is a SYSTEM.

This system instantly makes you productive for the first few hours of the day.

A system turns into habit when implemented for long enough and habits determine who you will become.

Without proper systems - procrastination takes over you and you find yourself sitting on the couch scrolling reels and watching people dance.

This is the misery of the modern world.

For every system not created there is a distraction waiting that your brain can dance with like a clown.

I talk to so many agency owners/ freelancers who are unable to get clients, hire good people, and scale up because they have no systems!

  • They don’t track their finances

  • They have no SOPs

  • They have no clear lead management system

  • They chat with their clients on WhatsApp and I can keep on going.

It is so obvious they are unable to scale - They have no systems and no tracking!

That is why from day one I created systems in my agency that allowed me to scale the company predictably - You can get my notion template with all the systems I use. Apply it to your business and see how your business starts growing yourself!

Ideally, everyone should create systems as per their needs but here are some examples of systems I have created for myself that you can take inspiration from:

1. Phone outside the workroom

No other system has made me more productive than this one system!

I shared it on Twitter and someone said it 100X-ed their productivity. One day I found myself scrolling my phone at 9 am and I realized this device was stealing my most productive hours of the day and hence this system was born.

Simple yet effective!

2. Agency tracking

From finances, to team SOPs, to how to hire team members, to our sales process, to tracking revenue - everything is systemized in our notion template. Everything gets tracked, which allows us to grow the company predictably!

3. Phone on work mode

My iPhone goes on work mode from 9 am to 5 pm automatically, which means the first ring from any person is always declined automatically!

Few people call twice in a go - So my phone doesn’t even ring.

The people who are close to me know this system so they call me twice and I pick up the call.

4. Tracking

Everything I want to improve in my life - I track it. Bodyweight, money in the bank account, company’s revenue, views on Ig reels. I keep track of everything because If I don’t I can’t improve on it.

If you want to get better at something, you need to track it!

5. Timed calls with family

There is a fixed time when I call my family and my loved ones.

They know this - So they don’t call me until there is an emergency and they know exactly when I will call them.


6. No trash in the kitchen

There are no snacks in my kitchen!

No chocolates, no cakes, no lays - Not allowed on normal weekdays at least.

Now I have to resist less as compared to if snacks are in front of my eyes!

The more I implement this system, the better I get!

You got the idea!

I can keep going about this but you need to create your systems.

  • Ask yourself what you need to improve

  • Think of what system will help you do so

  • Implement that system until it becomes your true nature

A simple thing to remember - Always create a system to win over your evolutionary brain - Your brain seeks dopamine, procrastination, comfort, and distraction - Create systems with this in mind and you will be able to create better systems.

Go now and start systemizing your life!
