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  • 4.76B People at your fingertips | Don't miss this opportunity

4.76B People at your fingertips | Don't miss this opportunity

You have the potential to reach 4.76B people sitting at your home by just using your phone and sharing your perspectives online.

This is the opportunity of your lifetime and is bigger than you think.

My entire career is built on the foundation of executing on the internet and helping people with what I learn.

I built a 6 Figure agency on the foundation of executing my skills on the Internet and as a result - I never had to do a job.

But why should you care about it?


We are still early!

You don’t need to rent big offices or build a team of thousands of people. Your laptop, your obsession, and the internet is your team.

Traditional wisdom is fading with the rise of social media and its affinity with people.

You are at the right place at the right time, so stop acting like a blind person.

Capitalize on the opportunity!

The benefits of building on social media are countless:

  • You can make money from the location of your choice

  • You can achieve freedom of location

  • You can Impact millions of lives

  • You can achieve freedom of time

Enough of explaining the opportunity.

Here is Exactly how I would capitalize on the opportunity if I have to start from scratch:

1. Start a service business

Learn a skill that the market demands!

Understand how to package it - Learn marketing.

Find people online so you can sell your skills to them in exchange for money.

How do you find these people?

They are available on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They are literally everywhere.

You need to find your ideal people and find a vehicle to connect with them so you can make them aware of your skills and the value you can bring to the table.

If you are just starting out focus on sending them emails and messages.

Keep it simple!

We will talk about ‘How to build a service business’ in-depth in another post as I cannot cover everything in this one.

So, if you have not yet subscribed to the newsletter - Subscriber here

If you want to build a short-form video editing agency and want to learn how to edit and market short-form videos that bring real results to your clients, you can check out my product VisualFloww here - VisualFloww

2. Share your journey

If you are like me - Not an entertainer, A bit serious, and obsessed with self-improvement - start by sharing your journey online.

Pick any one platform from Instagram and Twitter and start sharing

  • Your thoughts and perspectives

  • Your experiences

  • Your mistakes

  • Your wins

  • Projects you are working on

You don’t need to be an expert to share.

In this process of minding your own business and sharing your journey online - You will attract people who are just like you, who have similar dreams as you, and who have similar problems as you have.

3. Build a community

As you share online, you will build a community of people like yourself.

Every day you share something online, you add to the life of these people (Like I am adding to your life with this post, hopefully!)

Always remember:

If you can get 1 follower online, you can get 10,000 and if you can get 10,000 you can get 1M, and so on

There is no cap on the scale of the Internet.

The Internet allows you to build the leverage of attention for FREE!

Value is the currency of the Internet.

The more value you provide, the more attention you get, and the stronger the community you build.

Be authentic - Provide Value - Build a community

4. Build a Product

As you spend more and more time with your community, you will understand the problems your followers face on social media.

Be aware of their questions, doubts, and problems.

Most of the time they will have the same questions and problems you had when you first started out and that’s the beauty of building on social media!

Build a product solving their problems (Which were your problems as well but now you have the solution because you executed for long enough)

  • Build an E-book

  • Build a workbook

  • Build a cohort

  • Build whatever makes the most sense

And sell it to your community.

Don’t shy away from selling as you are only helping them solve their problems!

5. Scale

Create more content, build a bigger community, help more people, and as a result make more money!

This is the simplest path you can follow to capitalize on the opportunity social media offers.


Let’s Escape Normalcy together!

— Akshat